Christmas Project for Woodmore Elementary School 2017Our service focus at our holiday party on December 12, 2017, will be preparing Christmas mugs for the staff at Woodmore Elementary, just like we did fo last year. There are 30+ teachers, administrators, and support staff so, if possible, we need each member to bring two Christmas mugs filled with a variety of goodies. Some suggestions are: lotions, lip balms, candies, markers, post-it notes, stickers, etc. Let your imagination go wild! Colored Saran Wrap and ribbon will be provided for you to wrap your mug at the party. We will prepare some tags for us to attach to the mugs, but you might want to write a personal note to include with your mug. Alpha Xi member Diamond Kelley is a math coach at Woodmore, and she will deliver the mugs for us the next day. This is a small task, but we hope it will be very meaningful to the Woodmore staff. Let’s show our love and support for our fellow teachers!
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