Revised 2017
Article I Name
1. This chapter shall be known as Alpha Xi of Xi State, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
2. If these rules conflict with the Xi State Bylaws or Xi State Rules, the state governing documents shall govern.
Article II Purpose
To promote the purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International in the local area and
Support the purposes and programs of Xi State as prescribed in the Xi State Bylaws and Xi State Rules.
Article III Membership
1. Membership is by invitation only.
2. Classes
a. Active: An active member is a woman, who at the time of her election, is employed as a professional educator or has retired from an educational position.
b. Reserve: Reserve membership is granted only to a member who is unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location.
i. Reserve membership shall not be granted merely because someone retires.
ii. Reserve membership shall not be granted to someone who feels she is too busy to attend meetings.
iii. Reserve members may not hold office.
c. Honorary: An honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service.
i. Honorary members may not hold office but may serve as parliamentarian.
ii. Honorary membership is non-transferable.
3. Voting on new members
a. Voting shall be by written ballot at a fall chapter meeting. Initiation will be held in November; an orientation will occur before initiation. Although these actions may take place at other times of the year, full dues are due at the time of initiation.
b. Active members must be approved by a majority of the members voting. Honorary members must be approved by a majority of the ballots cast.
4. Transfer of membership
a. An active or reserve member may transfer only by application to the DKG headquarters.
b. The receiving chapter does not vote to receive the member since the transfer is automatic.
5. Termination of membership
a. Non-payment of dues
b. Resignation
c. Death
6. Reinstatement of membership
a. An active or reserve member may be reinstated upon payment of dues.
b. From July 1 to April 1, the member will pay dues and the scholarship fee.
Article IV Meetings
1. The chapter shall determine the number of meetings to be held.
2. Business shall be conducted for at least four meetings.
3. New chapter officers shall be elected in February of even-numbered years and officer installation shall be held in March of even-numbered years.
4. The chapter shall join the other Chattanooga chapters for Initiation and Founders Day.
Article V Finances
1. Annual dues include international, state, and chapter obligations, including contributions to special funds. This amount shall be proposed by the Finance Committee, approved by the Executive Board, and voted by the membership.
2. The fiscal year begins July 1 and ends the following June 30. Dues are payable July 1 and are delinquent after October 31 of the current year. On November 1,
members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues.
3. A budget proposed by the Finance Committee shall be presented to the Executive Board for approval. It shall then be presented to the membership; a majority vote is
required for approval.
4. Checks are to be signed by the president or treasurer.
5. An annual audit shall be submitted to the Executive Board for approval and reported to the membership at a chapter meeting.
6. When possible, the chapter shall assist the president with expenses incurred for state, regional, and international conferences/conventions.
Article VI Officers and Related Personnel
1. Alpha Xi officers shall be president, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian.
a. All officers, except the treasurer and parliamentarian, shall be elected in even numbered years by a majority vote of members present and voting.
b. The treasurer shall be selected by the Executive Board each biennium.
c. It is recommended that no officer serve more than two terms in succession, with the exception of the treasurer.
d. A parliamentarian is appointed by the president to act as an advisor to the officers and members in matters pertaining to interpretation of the governing documents and parliamentary procedures.
e. All officers take office on July 1.
f. When a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the first vice-president shall become president. All other vacancies are to be filled by appointment of the president.
2. Duties of the officers
a. President – The president shall preside at chapter meetings, work with the officers to plan meetings, represent the chapter at Chattanooga Coordinating Council, Xi State, Southeast Regional, and International functions. She shall attend training provided by the state, work with the Finance Committee to oversee the financial obligations of the chapter, submit required forms to Xi State by the appropriate dates, submit the Death of a Member form to the state president and treasurer as soon as possible to enable the member to be included in the Ceremony of Remembrance, encourage chapter members to complete the work of the chapter, state, and international organizations, divide the responsibilities for this work among the members by appointing committees and committee chairs, submit an article for the President’s Page in each edition of the chapter newsletter, disseminate information from Xi State and International to the chapter members, and make decisions and arrangements that need executive action to facilitate the smooth operation of the chapter.
b. First vice-president – The first vice-president shall attend Executive Board meetings to help plan chapter meetings, provide the program for each chapter meeting in accordance with the Purposes of the Society and give that information to the Communications Committee to be published in the chapter newsletter and yearbook, attend Chattanooga Coordinating Council meetings to help plan programs for joint meetings, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president. If the chapter president is unable to attend a meeting or to complete her term of office, the first vice-president shall assume the duties of the president.
c. Second vice-president – The second vice-president shall attend Executive Board meetings to help plan chapter meetings, make arrangements for the place, hostesses, inspiration, and food at meetings and give that information to the Communications Committee to be published in the chapter newsletter and yearbook, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president.
d. Recording secretary – The recording secretary shall take minutes at each Executive Board and chapter meeting and submit them for approval at the next meeting, preserve a copy of the corrected minutes for herself and give one to the president, pass along copies of the minutes to her successor, provide for a substitute if she cannot attend a chapter meeting, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president.
e. Corresponding secretary – The corresponding secretary shall attend to chapter members who are ill, have a death in the family, or any other concern made known to her by the others in the chapter, inform the Communications Committee of these concerns, submit receipts to the treasurer in order to receive reimbursement for postage, cards, and flowers each year, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president.
f. Treasurer – The treasurer shall attend Executive Board and chapter meetings, work with the Finance Committee to plan each year’s budget, help submit a budget to the membership for approval and to the yearbook for publication, submit a treasurer’s report which lists all the income and expenditures since the previous meeting at each chapter meeting, preserve copies of bank statements, check registers, and reports to be submitted for audit each year, receive monies collected by the chapter and make deposits to the chapter’s account, write checks for financial obligations of the chapter, file yearly financial forms with Xi State and the IRS on time, attend treasurer training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and work with the president to keep the chapter fiscally sound and in good standing with state and federal regulations.
g. Parliamentarian – The parliamentarian shall attend Executive Board and chapter meetings to serve as a parliamentary advisor and Chapter Excellence Award mentor to the president, attend any training provided by the state, serve on chapter and state committees, and attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible. At Executive Board meetings, the parliamentarian is an ex officio member without vote.
3. Elections
a. At the February meeting in even-numbered years, the Nominations Committee shall present a slate of officers. Others may be nominated from the floor. Election is by a majority vote of members present and voting.
b. Those officers elected shall be installed at a subsequent meeting and assume duties on July 1.
Article VII Executive Board
The Executive Board shall include elected officers, the immediate past president. The treasurer, parliamentarian, editor, and webmaster shall be ex officio members without vote.
1. The Executive Board shall meet twice each year and may meet other times upon the call of the president.
2. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members.
Article VIII Committees
1. The president shall appoint standing committees in accordance with the chapter and Xi State Rules and such committees as are necessary for local work.
2. Duties of Committees (Please note that all responsibilities may not be listed as the president may add additional charges. In addition, all committees are responsible for completing and submitting appropriate state reports.)
a. Communication and Publicity—(To be chaired by the Corresponding Secretary; the webmaster and newsletter editor will serve on this committee.)
b. Educational Services Committee—Encourage and assist members in applying for state/international scholarships, develop criteria and determine recipient of the chapter grant-in-aid, publicize and conduct high school essay contest, encourage members to apply for state and International Leadership Management Seminar
c. Educational Excellence Committee (EEC)—(To be co-chaired by the 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents)—Assist with the planning of programs, plan and organize chapter projects, encourage support of state and international projects, keep members informed of legislative issues pertaining to education
d. Finance Committee**---Develop budget for each year of the biennium, conduct an annual audit, propose annual dues
e. Membership Committee-- Keep updated list of chapter members, encourage and oversee recruitment of new members, conduct orientation of new members, recognize good news of members, determine/recognize chapter Order of the Rose recipient and submit appropriate forms for the state level
f. Nominations Committee**---Prepare a slate of officers each biennium and conduct officer installation
g. Planning Committee—Develop/review chapter Strategic Action Plan, revise and update chapter rules as needed
3. Special note: Members on committees indicated by ** above are also asked to serve on another committee since the work of the committee is not necessarily done throughout the biennium.
Article IX Amendments to Chapter Rules
1. Proposed changes in the chapter rules may be submitted to the chair of the Planning Committee, who will propose the change to the membership for approval.
2. Proposed changes will require a majority vote of those present.
Article X Chapter Customs and Traditions
1. Joint activities with other Chattanooga chapters
a. Shall include Initiation and Founders Day
b. Duties shall be rotated among the four chapters
c. Alpha Xi shall assume its due responsibilities and obligations for joint events.
2. Illness of a member
a. One to three carnations shall be sent to a member who is hospitalized.
b. In the event of a severe or extended illness, the member shall be remembered with an appropriate gift of flowers at home.
3. Death of a member/spouse/child/parent
a. A memorial contribution may be made to an appropriate organization or flowers may be sent.
b. This action shall be done at the discretion of the corresponding secretary.
4. Special recognition will be given to members for outstanding achievements in education, as well as notable service to the chapter and Xi State.
5. The chapter president bar will be presented by the chapter to the incoming president at the beginning of her biennium.
Article XI Merger and Dissolution
1. Chapter Merger: According to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, chapters experiencing difficulties may choose to merge with another existing chapter. The steps are
a. The chapters decide which chapter will continue and which will discontinue.
b. Both chapters’ membership must agree.
c. The chapter that is discontinuing turns over all records, funds, and other possessions to the continuing chapter.
d. Members of the discontinuing chapter are transferred and welcomed into the continuing chapter.
2. Chapter Dissolution
a. Before a chapter may be dissolved, the approval of the state organization Executive Board must be obtained.
b. The charter must be returned to the state organization to be forwarded to International Headquarters.
c. Any remaining funds in the chapter’s account shall be sent to the state organization treasurer.
d. Initiation paraphernalia, chapter records, and Society publications are to be sent to the state organization for retention in the archives and to be made available for use.
e. Those members desiring to maintain membership may transfer to other chapters or become state members if there is no other chapter near them. International procedures must be followed.
f. The Executive Board shall decide whether to reuse the Greek name of the dissolved chapter.
Revised 2017
Article I Name
1. This chapter shall be known as Alpha Xi of Xi State, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
2. If these rules conflict with the Xi State Bylaws or Xi State Rules, the state governing documents shall govern.
Article II Purpose
To promote the purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International in the local area and
Support the purposes and programs of Xi State as prescribed in the Xi State Bylaws and Xi State Rules.
Article III Membership
1. Membership is by invitation only.
2. Classes
a. Active: An active member is a woman, who at the time of her election, is employed as a professional educator or has retired from an educational position.
b. Reserve: Reserve membership is granted only to a member who is unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location.
i. Reserve membership shall not be granted merely because someone retires.
ii. Reserve membership shall not be granted to someone who feels she is too busy to attend meetings.
iii. Reserve members may not hold office.
c. Honorary: An honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service.
i. Honorary members may not hold office but may serve as parliamentarian.
ii. Honorary membership is non-transferable.
3. Voting on new members
a. Voting shall be by written ballot at a fall chapter meeting. Initiation will be held in November; an orientation will occur before initiation. Although these actions may take place at other times of the year, full dues are due at the time of initiation.
b. Active members must be approved by a majority of the members voting. Honorary members must be approved by a majority of the ballots cast.
4. Transfer of membership
a. An active or reserve member may transfer only by application to the DKG headquarters.
b. The receiving chapter does not vote to receive the member since the transfer is automatic.
5. Termination of membership
a. Non-payment of dues
b. Resignation
c. Death
6. Reinstatement of membership
a. An active or reserve member may be reinstated upon payment of dues.
b. From July 1 to April 1, the member will pay dues and the scholarship fee.
Article IV Meetings
1. The chapter shall determine the number of meetings to be held.
2. Business shall be conducted for at least four meetings.
3. New chapter officers shall be elected in February of even-numbered years and officer installation shall be held in March of even-numbered years.
4. The chapter shall join the other Chattanooga chapters for Initiation and Founders Day.
Article V Finances
1. Annual dues include international, state, and chapter obligations, including contributions to special funds. This amount shall be proposed by the Finance Committee, approved by the Executive Board, and voted by the membership.
2. The fiscal year begins July 1 and ends the following June 30. Dues are payable July 1 and are delinquent after October 31 of the current year. On November 1,
members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues.
3. A budget proposed by the Finance Committee shall be presented to the Executive Board for approval. It shall then be presented to the membership; a majority vote is
required for approval.
4. Checks are to be signed by the president or treasurer.
5. An annual audit shall be submitted to the Executive Board for approval and reported to the membership at a chapter meeting.
6. When possible, the chapter shall assist the president with expenses incurred for state, regional, and international conferences/conventions.
Article VI Officers and Related Personnel
1. Alpha Xi officers shall be president, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian.
a. All officers, except the treasurer and parliamentarian, shall be elected in even numbered years by a majority vote of members present and voting.
b. The treasurer shall be selected by the Executive Board each biennium.
c. It is recommended that no officer serve more than two terms in succession, with the exception of the treasurer.
d. A parliamentarian is appointed by the president to act as an advisor to the officers and members in matters pertaining to interpretation of the governing documents and parliamentary procedures.
e. All officers take office on July 1.
f. When a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the first vice-president shall become president. All other vacancies are to be filled by appointment of the president.
2. Duties of the officers
a. President – The president shall preside at chapter meetings, work with the officers to plan meetings, represent the chapter at Chattanooga Coordinating Council, Xi State, Southeast Regional, and International functions. She shall attend training provided by the state, work with the Finance Committee to oversee the financial obligations of the chapter, submit required forms to Xi State by the appropriate dates, submit the Death of a Member form to the state president and treasurer as soon as possible to enable the member to be included in the Ceremony of Remembrance, encourage chapter members to complete the work of the chapter, state, and international organizations, divide the responsibilities for this work among the members by appointing committees and committee chairs, submit an article for the President’s Page in each edition of the chapter newsletter, disseminate information from Xi State and International to the chapter members, and make decisions and arrangements that need executive action to facilitate the smooth operation of the chapter.
b. First vice-president – The first vice-president shall attend Executive Board meetings to help plan chapter meetings, provide the program for each chapter meeting in accordance with the Purposes of the Society and give that information to the Communications Committee to be published in the chapter newsletter and yearbook, attend Chattanooga Coordinating Council meetings to help plan programs for joint meetings, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president. If the chapter president is unable to attend a meeting or to complete her term of office, the first vice-president shall assume the duties of the president.
c. Second vice-president – The second vice-president shall attend Executive Board meetings to help plan chapter meetings, make arrangements for the place, hostesses, inspiration, and food at meetings and give that information to the Communications Committee to be published in the chapter newsletter and yearbook, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president.
d. Recording secretary – The recording secretary shall take minutes at each Executive Board and chapter meeting and submit them for approval at the next meeting, preserve a copy of the corrected minutes for herself and give one to the president, pass along copies of the minutes to her successor, provide for a substitute if she cannot attend a chapter meeting, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president.
e. Corresponding secretary – The corresponding secretary shall attend to chapter members who are ill, have a death in the family, or any other concern made known to her by the others in the chapter, inform the Communications Committee of these concerns, submit receipts to the treasurer in order to receive reimbursement for postage, cards, and flowers each year, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, attend training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, and complete any other duties assigned by the chapter president.
f. Treasurer – The treasurer shall attend Executive Board and chapter meetings, work with the Finance Committee to plan each year’s budget, help submit a budget to the membership for approval and to the yearbook for publication, submit a treasurer’s report which lists all the income and expenditures since the previous meeting at each chapter meeting, preserve copies of bank statements, check registers, and reports to be submitted for audit each year, receive monies collected by the chapter and make deposits to the chapter’s account, write checks for financial obligations of the chapter, file yearly financial forms with Xi State and the IRS on time, attend treasurer training provided by the state, attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible, serve on chapter and state committees when possible, and work with the president to keep the chapter fiscally sound and in good standing with state and federal regulations.
g. Parliamentarian – The parliamentarian shall attend Executive Board and chapter meetings to serve as a parliamentary advisor and Chapter Excellence Award mentor to the president, attend any training provided by the state, serve on chapter and state committees, and attend Xi State, Regional, and International meetings when possible. At Executive Board meetings, the parliamentarian is an ex officio member without vote.
3. Elections
a. At the February meeting in even-numbered years, the Nominations Committee shall present a slate of officers. Others may be nominated from the floor. Election is by a majority vote of members present and voting.
b. Those officers elected shall be installed at a subsequent meeting and assume duties on July 1.
Article VII Executive Board
The Executive Board shall include elected officers, the immediate past president. The treasurer, parliamentarian, editor, and webmaster shall be ex officio members without vote.
1. The Executive Board shall meet twice each year and may meet other times upon the call of the president.
2. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members.
Article VIII Committees
1. The president shall appoint standing committees in accordance with the chapter and Xi State Rules and such committees as are necessary for local work.
2. Duties of Committees (Please note that all responsibilities may not be listed as the president may add additional charges. In addition, all committees are responsible for completing and submitting appropriate state reports.)
a. Communication and Publicity—(To be chaired by the Corresponding Secretary; the webmaster and newsletter editor will serve on this committee.)
b. Educational Services Committee—Encourage and assist members in applying for state/international scholarships, develop criteria and determine recipient of the chapter grant-in-aid, publicize and conduct high school essay contest, encourage members to apply for state and International Leadership Management Seminar
c. Educational Excellence Committee (EEC)—(To be co-chaired by the 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents)—Assist with the planning of programs, plan and organize chapter projects, encourage support of state and international projects, keep members informed of legislative issues pertaining to education
d. Finance Committee**---Develop budget for each year of the biennium, conduct an annual audit, propose annual dues
e. Membership Committee-- Keep updated list of chapter members, encourage and oversee recruitment of new members, conduct orientation of new members, recognize good news of members, determine/recognize chapter Order of the Rose recipient and submit appropriate forms for the state level
f. Nominations Committee**---Prepare a slate of officers each biennium and conduct officer installation
g. Planning Committee—Develop/review chapter Strategic Action Plan, revise and update chapter rules as needed
3. Special note: Members on committees indicated by ** above are also asked to serve on another committee since the work of the committee is not necessarily done throughout the biennium.
Article IX Amendments to Chapter Rules
1. Proposed changes in the chapter rules may be submitted to the chair of the Planning Committee, who will propose the change to the membership for approval.
2. Proposed changes will require a majority vote of those present.
Article X Chapter Customs and Traditions
1. Joint activities with other Chattanooga chapters
a. Shall include Initiation and Founders Day
b. Duties shall be rotated among the four chapters
c. Alpha Xi shall assume its due responsibilities and obligations for joint events.
2. Illness of a member
a. One to three carnations shall be sent to a member who is hospitalized.
b. In the event of a severe or extended illness, the member shall be remembered with an appropriate gift of flowers at home.
3. Death of a member/spouse/child/parent
a. A memorial contribution may be made to an appropriate organization or flowers may be sent.
b. This action shall be done at the discretion of the corresponding secretary.
4. Special recognition will be given to members for outstanding achievements in education, as well as notable service to the chapter and Xi State.
5. The chapter president bar will be presented by the chapter to the incoming president at the beginning of her biennium.
Article XI Merger and Dissolution
1. Chapter Merger: According to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, chapters experiencing difficulties may choose to merge with another existing chapter. The steps are
a. The chapters decide which chapter will continue and which will discontinue.
b. Both chapters’ membership must agree.
c. The chapter that is discontinuing turns over all records, funds, and other possessions to the continuing chapter.
d. Members of the discontinuing chapter are transferred and welcomed into the continuing chapter.
2. Chapter Dissolution
a. Before a chapter may be dissolved, the approval of the state organization Executive Board must be obtained.
b. The charter must be returned to the state organization to be forwarded to International Headquarters.
c. Any remaining funds in the chapter’s account shall be sent to the state organization treasurer.
d. Initiation paraphernalia, chapter records, and Society publications are to be sent to the state organization for retention in the archives and to be made available for use.
e. Those members desiring to maintain membership may transfer to other chapters or become state members if there is no other chapter near them. International procedures must be followed.
f. The Executive Board shall decide whether to reuse the Greek name of the dissolved chapter.